Beloved Orlando and the Magic Flower

Orlando was engaged to be married to a young girl. One day, this girl discovered that her stepmother, an evil witch was planning to kill her. To save her live she fled with her beloved Orlando. Firstly, however Orland stole the witch’s magic wand.
When the wicked stepmother learnt of their escape, she put on her seven league boots and caught up with the two young people in no time at all. They heard her coming and Orlando waved the magic wand, transforming the girl into a flower, and himself into a violin.
But the witch realized that the beautiful flower was her stepdaughter and was about to pick it, when the violin began to play. Because it was a magic violin, the witch could not prevent herself from dancing faster and faster, until, at last she fell down from exhaustion. Before she expired, however she caused Orlando to lose his memory. So, when the effect of the magic wore off, and the violin became Orlando again, he no longer remembered that the flower was his love and he went away, leaving it where it was.
The red flower was later picked by a shepherd who took it home and put it in a vase, from that day on when the shepherd came home each evening from the pasture, he found the house in perfect order. He soon realized that there was a magic at work and so, one day he pretended to leave as normal, but hid himself instead in the wardrobe. And so he discovered that it was the flower which was working the magic. Immediately the shepherd recited a spell which he himself had learnt from a magician and the flower changed back into the beautiful young maiden again.
Later, the young women in the country were invited to sing at celebration for the new prince, who was none other than the maiden’s beloved brought back his memory, and Orlando recognized her at once and insisted on marrying her that very day with the good shepherd as the best man.

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