The King Became Slave

For weeks Abunawas did not have money. He needed money to buy food. So, he went to another village to find work. Here and there he went, knocking at every door. But still no­body wanted to hire him. He was very tired and rested undera shady tree. He was soon asleep. Suddenly two strong hands grabbed his arms and a strong voice said, "Hey get up youlazy man!" the two strong hands pulled Abu to wake him up. "You must help us in our farm,” said another voice. Before Abu could say a word the two strong men had already dragged Abu off to their farm.
They walked for some time before arrived in a large farm. They brought Abu to a big strong man with an earring at one of his ear. "You'll work here until noon tomorrow. We'll give you a little food and drink. If you work slowly or lazily we'll give you a whip on your back."
Abu worked hard and felt very tired. He suddenly got agood idea. He approached the strong man with an earring. "Sir," said Abu.
"You see that I am a small man. I can't work fast. If I giveyou a very strong man who can work three times harder and faster than me, will you let me go?"
The strong manseemed to be the owner of the farm was interested in Abu's offer. He agreed to let Abu go home.
"Remember, if you cheat me, you'll have to work here the whole day without any food or drink."
"No, I won't cheat you," said Abu. "Tomorrow, at noon, you'll find a man right under the tree where you picked me up this morning.  He'll be yours."
Abu then went home and appeared before the king rightaway.
'What bring you here, Abu"
"Your Majesty, yesterday I went to our neighboring village and enjoyed very beautiful music. If you are in interested, I can take you there and you can enjoy it yourself. But, thereis one condition."
"What is it, Abu?" asked the king who was so interestedin music.
“You have to dress like farmers."
"No, problem," said the king.
The following day, at about noon, Abu and the king came to the shady tree.
"I don't hear anything, Abu,"
"Just be patient, Your Majesty. It was at noon when I heard the music. So, let's wait for a couple of minutes."
Thebreeze blew gently on their face. The king becamesleepy and finally fell asleep. At that moment Abu walkedaway quietly.
Before long there came two farmers approaching the sleep­ing king. They dragged the king to their master. Of course they did not know that they were dragging their king, King Aaron El Roshid, for he wore farmer clothes. The master said the same thing, he said to Abu the day before.
The king worked hard and fast because he did not want to get a whip on his back. He was very angry to both Abu and those savage people. But he could not do anything at that time.
The following day they let the king off exactly at noon. The king went back to the palace right away and ordered the guard to bring Abu before him. When Abu was in front of the king he said angrily, "How dare you do that to me! I'll punish you!"
“Wait a second, Your Majesty!" said Abu calmly. "Please forgive me, but if I had not let you know by yourself everything that happened there, you would not believe me. Now that youhave seen and experienced everything yourself. At least you now know that not all your people are good people. Some are savage and cruel like those farmers in the neighbouring vil­lage."
The king nodded slowly and then smiled.
"You're right, Abu!"



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